Johnny Esposito is a Boston-based, multi-faceted artist and storyteller, who expresses himself creatively most often through performance

Johnny strives to use his art as a means to tell the story of himself and to facilitate a sense of connection and validation for his audiences, whenever possible.

In his free time, Johnny enjoys listening to an unhealthy amount of music, religiously following professional basketball, and wasting time watching videos of kittens and other baby animals.


artist and storyteller

THE THANKSgiving Play
peter and the starcatcher
every brilliant thing

Johnny has been a creative as long as he can remember, and spent the majority of his childhood trapped in his imagination. Although a good day dream comes along here and there, at this point in his life, Johnny’s creativity has taken form in a variety of artistic mediums, on the stage, on the screen, and behind the scenes. In fact, he is always looking for new ways to express himself artistically, other than acting and performance, and has extensive experience in writing, design, technical theater, video production, filmmaking, producing, among other outlets and mediums.

He is a graduate of Bates College where he studied theater and psychology, and served as the Artistic Director of its student-run theater organization for two years. 

Cincinnati by the Sea @ Gloucester Stage Company
~ April 27th ~


In the News

“Romeo and Juliet are beautifully played by Johnny Esposito and Katie Ault. They make the transition from carefree youngsters into dramatic adults wonderfully. His love scenes with her are tender and romantic while his scenes with the Friar crackle with intensity as her scenes do with her parents, the Nurse and the Friar. He commands the stage in Act 1 with his enormous amount of dialogue and does a great job with his mental anguish at the death of Tybalt as well as when he finds Juliet in the tomb.”

Tony Annicone, Tony’s Corner

Kevin T. Baldwin, METRMAG

“Butts and Esposito work extremely well together, especially in highlighting the steadily unsteady relationship of Logan and Jaxton.”

“Esposito says his creativity and imagination are inspired by fantasy and the magic of the books and stories he read as a child. The actor explains that he ‘has tried to allow the best aspects of [his] childhood to live on into adulthood.’ He goes on to say, ‘Portraying one of the most famous forever children in fantasy feels so special - especially in my first production of the major life transition I am navigating.’”

Curtain Call Theatre, Patch

“Esposito’s performance was magnetic. He commanded the stage with authority, yet still managed to put everyone, even his audience-actors, at ease. I saw at least one person shed a tear and came quite close to it myself at a couple points.”

Olivia Dimond, The Bates Student

“Johnny Esposito was brilliant in his role as a flamboyant and at times childish man, which led to some hilarious moments.”

Eleanor Boyle, The Bates Student

“Esposito had moments where Jerry questions himself and what he has just said. They felt so lifelike to me that I had a couple moments of paralyzing fear that Esposito was actively searching for a line.”

Olivia Dimond, The Bates Student